Some appliances, electronics, and lightbulbs display the Energy Star label, established by the Environmental Protection Agency. These products perform as well as their traditional counterparts while using up to 75 percent less energy.
Developed by the Forest Stewardship Council, the FSC logo signifies that paper and wood products, such as furniture and flooring, have been harvested using certified sustainable standards.
Developed by the Forest Stewardship Council, the FSC logo signifies that paper and wood products, such as furniture and flooring, have been harvested using certified sustainable standards.
Fair Trade Certified
TransFair USA confirms that Fair Trade Certified foods, such as coffee, fruit, chocolate, and sugar, have been grown by farmers who use environmentally friendly practices and receive a fair price for their crops.
TransFair USA confirms that Fair Trade Certified foods, such as coffee, fruit, chocolate, and sugar, have been grown by farmers who use environmentally friendly practices and receive a fair price for their crops.
Wines and foodstuffs that carry the Demeter logo are biodynamic, which means their growers use methods such as crop rotation, composting, and homeopathic sprays to cultivate the long-term health of the soil.
Wines and foodstuffs that carry the Demeter logo are biodynamic, which means their growers use methods such as crop rotation, composting, and homeopathic sprays to cultivate the long-term health of the soil.